Hi! I’m Debra,
Certified Dog Trainer
in Delray Beach

Transform your furry friend into a well-behaved and obedient companion with Debra's Dog Training - Where safety and success go paw-in-paw in Delray Beach!
Private, One-on-One Training
Basic Obedience Training
Behavior Issues Addressed

(including: jumping, pulling/lunging on a leash walk, barking, puppy nipping, etc.)
Puppy Basics Training
Mental Stimulation recommendations
Gentle reward-based trainer


I am impressed with what Deb was able to teach my bundle of energy, Bentley the Australian Shepherd puppy. After each session, she would go over with me what was taught during the lesson, and made me repeat all of the commands and hand signals that were given, so that I could see that he understood. I then used this information to practice with him on our daily walks, or sometimes just practice in the backyard to get him used to understanding what he was being tasked with. The key here was repetition, repetition, repetition until he "got it." Deb answered all of the questions that I had in a manner that made sense to me. She remains available to me should I have any questions. It is such a pleasure to be able to walk Bentley on a loose leash, as opposed to being pulled by a locomotive. I would recommend Deb as a dog trainer without reservation.
Vic Strilchuk